Hi, I'm Amber!


How I Got To Where I Am Today

Amber Farooqui The start of it all 2015-2017

The start of it all 2015-2017

Growing up I was never the best student or kid. I was a troublemaker and got into lots of trouble. I hated school growing up because I never really saw a point. So at 15 years old, I made my first sale. Well, this wasn’t really a monetary sale, more of a lifestyle sale. I put together a presentation and sold my parents on the idea of letting me be homeschooled. Long story short, I moved to a foreign country and was homeschooled for my sophomore and junior years of high school by private tutors which had changed my entire life around. During my time away, I found my passion for fitness and started using social media to document my journey.

My first business 2018 Amber Farooqui

My first business 2018

I moved back to my hometown in Illinois to graduate from high school. I ended up graduating and starting college early and during that time, I also started my first business, due to the power of social media and sharing my journey online which gained a lot of attention. My passion turned into my first ever business. I started fitness coaching and it began with in-person, then virtually, and eventually launched programs and guides for people all over the world to buy, and this was all possible because of again, the power of social media.

My first business 2018 Amber Farooqui
My first business 2018 Amber Farooqui

My love for entrepreneurship arose in 2019

I began investing a lot of my time, energy, and money into learning with coaches, mentors, events, masterminds, etc so that I could learn more about the business side of things. I got around the right people at the right time and that helped me evolve my life. I was a full time business owner, while being a full time student in Uni majoring in marketing and sales leadership.

My first business 2018 Amber Farooqui

My brand was reborn in 2020

Right during the Pandemic, my fitness coaching business growing super fast and doing really well. I was helping hundreds of people all over the world, but I started feeling differently about my career and loosing my passion for fitness. I felt like I wanted to do more and I didn't want to loose my passion for fitness as fitness was such a big part of my personal life. I went through some serious health struggles in 2020 and reevaluated my entire career path and realized I wanted to teach people more than how to just get "fit." I realized that I loved the business side of things and still wanted to remain my own boss, so that is when I transitioned into business coaching and consulting. I did this with the launch of my best-selling book Finding Your Fit: A Guide To Living Your Best Life.

My first business 2018 Amber Farooqui
My first business 2018 Amber Farooqui


I am now the proud founder and CEO of Evolve Your Life and The Sisterhood Community which is skyrocketing. My signature business coaching program is called Evolve Your Business and my women's community is called The Sisterhood Community. I am committed to turning entrepreneurs' dreams into reality. Over the past few years I have continued to scale my businesses and growth as a leader. I continue to consult for million+ dollar companies, helping with their systems, processes & media. I public speak and host my own events, including the #1 women's conference in IL. I come up with new services and digital products daily for my audience. And I am continuously growing and guiding a community of female leaders.

To Be Continued as we Evolve...

Continuously Evolving Lives

Get in Touch!

Amber Farooqui

Amber’s mission is to help you make an influence, impact, and income. She empowers others to recognize their full potential and realize that they truly can turn their dreams into reality in both business and life.

Let me help you take that first steep...

Amber Farooqui is the founder of Evolve Your Business, The Sisterhood Community, a Business Coach, Consultant, Best Selling Author, and Speaker.

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